getUser(); //Debug print of userID. We may not use $user->isRegistered() here, because the Session Context may not be called and it breaks session functionality on th rest of the wiki //print_r($user->mId); //if ( $user->mId == 1 ) { // print_r($list); //} // Do this if the user is not logged in. Logged in usere have a ID > 0 if ( $user->mId <= 0 ) { $templist = $list; //Clear list of available Special Pages $list = array(); // Enable Login page $list['Userlogin'] = $templist['Userlogin']; // Enable Logout page $list['Userlogout'] = $templist['Userlogout']; // Enable RequestAccount Page $list['RequestAccount'] = $templist['RequestAccount']; // Enable CreateAccount Page $list['CreateAccount'] = $templist['CreateAccount']; // Enable Search $list['Search'] = $templist['Search']; } return true; } }