#!/bin/sh # Adapted from Alex Kleissner's post, Running a Phoenix 1.3 project with docker-compose # https://medium.com/@hex337/running-a-phoenix-1-3-project-with-docker-compose-d82ab55e43cf cd /app/ set -e # Ensure the app's dependencies are installed mix deps.get --only prod #Analysis style code # Prepare Credo if the project has Credo start code analyze if mix help credo >/dev/null 2>&1 then echo "\nFound Credo: analyzing..." mix credo || true else echo "\nNo Credo config: Skipping code analyze..." fi # Potentially Set up the database MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.create MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.migrate echo "\nTesting the installation..." # "Prove" that install was successful by running the tests mix test echo "\n Launching Phoenix web server..." # Start the phoenix web server PORT=4012 MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.server