399 lines
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399 lines
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* Penn Software MSCKF_VIO
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
* All rights reserved.
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/video.hpp>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h>
#include <image_transport/image_transport.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/Imu.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/Image.h>
#include <message_filters/subscriber.h>
#include <message_filters/time_synchronizer.h>
namespace msckf_vio {
* @brief ImageProcessor Detects and tracks features
* in image sequences.
class ImageProcessor {
// Constructor
ImageProcessor(ros::NodeHandle& n);
// Disable copy and assign constructors.
ImageProcessor(const ImageProcessor&) = delete;
ImageProcessor operator=(const ImageProcessor&) = delete;
// Destructor
// Initialize the object.
bool initialize();
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ImageProcessor> Ptr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const ImageProcessor> ConstPtr;
* @brief ProcessorConfig Configuration parameters for
* feature detection and tracking.
struct ProcessorConfig {
int grid_row;
int grid_col;
int grid_min_feature_num;
int grid_max_feature_num;
int pyramid_levels;
int patch_size;
int fast_threshold;
int max_iteration;
double track_precision;
double ransac_threshold;
double stereo_threshold;
* @brief FeatureIDType An alias for unsigned long long int.
typedef unsigned long long int FeatureIDType;
* @brief FeatureMetaData Contains necessary information
* of a feature for easy access.
struct FeatureMetaData {
FeatureIDType id;
float response;
int lifetime;
cv::Point2f cam0_point;
cv::Point2f cam1_point;
* @brief GridFeatures Organize features based on the grid
* they belong to. Note that the key is encoded by the
* grid index.
typedef std::map<int, std::vector<FeatureMetaData> > GridFeatures;
* @brief keyPointCompareByResponse
* Compare two keypoints based on the response.
static bool keyPointCompareByResponse(
const cv::KeyPoint& pt1,
const cv::KeyPoint& pt2) {
// Keypoint with higher response will be at the
// beginning of the vector.
return pt1.response > pt2.response;
* @brief featureCompareByResponse
* Compare two features based on the response.
static bool featureCompareByResponse(
const FeatureMetaData& f1,
const FeatureMetaData& f2) {
// Features with higher response will be at the
// beginning of the vector.
return f1.response > f2.response;
* @brief featureCompareByLifetime
* Compare two features based on the lifetime.
static bool featureCompareByLifetime(
const FeatureMetaData& f1,
const FeatureMetaData& f2) {
// Features with longer lifetime will be at the
// beginning of the vector.
return f1.lifetime > f2.lifetime;
* @brief loadParameters
* Load parameters from the parameter server.
bool loadParameters();
* @brief createRosIO
* Create ros publisher and subscirbers.
bool createRosIO();
* @brief stereoCallback
* Callback function for the stereo images.
* @param cam0_img left image.
* @param cam1_img right image.
void stereoCallback(
const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& cam0_img,
const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& cam1_img);
* @brief imuCallback
* Callback function for the imu message.
* @param msg IMU msg.
void imuCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImuConstPtr& msg);
* @initializeFirstFrame
* Initialize the image processing sequence, which is
* bascially detect new features on the first set of
* stereo images.
void initializeFirstFrame();
* @brief trackFeatures
* Tracker features on the newly received stereo images.
void trackFeatures();
* @addNewFeatures
* Detect new features on the image to ensure that the
* features are uniformly distributed on the image.
void addNewFeatures();
* @brief pruneGridFeatures
* Remove some of the features of a grid in case there are
* too many features inside of that grid, which ensures the
* number of features within each grid is bounded.
void pruneGridFeatures();
* @brief publish
* Publish the features on the current image including
* both the tracked and newly detected ones.
void publish();
* @brief drawFeaturesMono
* Draw tracked and newly detected features on the left
* image only.
void drawFeaturesMono();
* @brief drawFeaturesStereo
* Draw tracked and newly detected features on the
* stereo images.
void drawFeaturesStereo();
* @brief createImagePyramids
* Create image pyramids used for klt tracking.
void createImagePyramids();
* @brief integrateImuData Integrates the IMU gyro readings
* between the two consecutive images, which is used for
* both tracking prediction and 2-point RANSAC.
* @return cam0_R_p_c: a rotation matrix which takes a vector
* from previous cam0 frame to current cam0 frame.
* @return cam1_R_p_c: a rotation matrix which takes a vector
* from previous cam1 frame to current cam1 frame.
void integrateImuData(cv::Matx33f& cam0_R_p_c,
cv::Matx33f& cam1_R_p_c);
* @brief predictFeatureTracking Compensates the rotation
* between consecutive camera frames so that feature
* tracking would be more robust and fast.
* @param input_pts: features in the previous image to be tracked.
* @param R_p_c: a rotation matrix takes a vector in the previous
* camera frame to the current camera frame.
* @param intrinsics: intrinsic matrix of the camera.
* @return compensated_pts: predicted locations of the features
* in the current image based on the provided rotation.
* Note that the input and output points are of pixel coordinates.
void predictFeatureTracking(
const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& input_pts,
const cv::Matx33f& R_p_c,
const cv::Vec4d& intrinsics,
std::vector<cv::Point2f>& compenstated_pts);
* @brief twoPointRansac Applies two point ransac algorithm
* to mark the inliers in the input set.
* @param pts1: first set of points.
* @param pts2: second set of points.
* @param R_p_c: a rotation matrix takes a vector in the previous
* camera frame to the current camera frame.
* @param intrinsics: intrinsics of the camera.
* @param distortion_model: distortion model of the camera.
* @param distortion_coeffs: distortion coefficients.
* @param inlier_error: acceptable error to be considered as an inlier.
* @param success_probability: the required probability of success.
* @return inlier_flag: 1 for inliers and 0 for outliers.
void twoPointRansac(
const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& pts1,
const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& pts2,
const cv::Matx33f& R_p_c,
const cv::Vec4d& intrinsics,
const std::string& distortion_model,
const cv::Vec4d& distortion_coeffs,
const double& inlier_error,
const double& success_probability,
std::vector<int>& inlier_markers);
void undistortPoints(
const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& pts_in,
const cv::Vec4d& intrinsics,
const std::string& distortion_model,
const cv::Vec4d& distortion_coeffs,
std::vector<cv::Point2f>& pts_out,
const cv::Matx33d &rectification_matrix = cv::Matx33d::eye(),
const cv::Vec4d &new_intrinsics = cv::Vec4d(1,1,0,0));
void rescalePoints(
std::vector<cv::Point2f>& pts1,
std::vector<cv::Point2f>& pts2,
float& scaling_factor);
std::vector<cv::Point2f> distortPoints(
const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& pts_in,
const cv::Vec4d& intrinsics,
const std::string& distortion_model,
const cv::Vec4d& distortion_coeffs);
* @brief stereoMatch Matches features with stereo image pairs.
* @param cam0_points: points in the primary image.
* @return cam1_points: points in the secondary image.
* @return inlier_markers: 1 if the match is valid, 0 otherwise.
void stereoMatch(
const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& cam0_points,
std::vector<cv::Point2f>& cam1_points,
std::vector<unsigned char>& inlier_markers);
* @brief removeUnmarkedElements Remove the unmarked elements
* within a vector.
* @param raw_vec: vector with outliers.
* @param markers: 0 will represent a outlier, 1 will be an inlier.
* @return refined_vec: a vector without outliers.
* Note that the order of the inliers in the raw_vec is perserved
* in the refined_vec.
template <typename T>
void removeUnmarkedElements(
const std::vector<T>& raw_vec,
const std::vector<unsigned char>& markers,
std::vector<T>& refined_vec) {
if (raw_vec.size() != markers.size()) {
ROS_WARN("The input size of raw_vec(%lu) and markers(%lu) does not match...",
raw_vec.size(), markers.size());
for (int i = 0; i < markers.size(); ++i) {
if (markers[i] == 0) continue;
// Indicate if this is the first image message.
bool is_first_img;
// ID for the next new feature.
FeatureIDType next_feature_id;
// Feature detector
ProcessorConfig processor_config;
cv::Ptr<cv::Feature2D> detector_ptr;
// IMU message buffer.
std::vector<sensor_msgs::Imu> imu_msg_buffer;
// Camera calibration parameters
std::string cam0_distortion_model;
cv::Vec2i cam0_resolution;
cv::Vec4d cam0_intrinsics;
cv::Vec4d cam0_distortion_coeffs;
std::string cam1_distortion_model;
cv::Vec2i cam1_resolution;
cv::Vec4d cam1_intrinsics;
cv::Vec4d cam1_distortion_coeffs;
// Take a vector from cam0 frame to the IMU frame.
cv::Matx33d R_cam0_imu;
cv::Vec3d t_cam0_imu;
// Take a vector from cam1 frame to the IMU frame.
cv::Matx33d R_cam1_imu;
cv::Vec3d t_cam1_imu;
// Previous and current images
cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr cam0_prev_img_ptr;
cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr cam0_curr_img_ptr;
cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr cam1_curr_img_ptr;
// Pyramids for previous and current image
std::vector<cv::Mat> prev_cam0_pyramid_;
std::vector<cv::Mat> curr_cam0_pyramid_;
std::vector<cv::Mat> curr_cam1_pyramid_;
// Features in the previous and current image.
boost::shared_ptr<GridFeatures> prev_features_ptr;
boost::shared_ptr<GridFeatures> curr_features_ptr;
// Number of features after each outlier removal step.
int before_tracking;
int after_tracking;
int after_matching;
int after_ransac;
// Ros node handle
ros::NodeHandle nh;
// Subscribers and publishers.
sensor_msgs::Image> cam0_img_sub;
sensor_msgs::Image> cam1_img_sub;
sensor_msgs::Image, sensor_msgs::Image> stereo_sub;
ros::Subscriber imu_sub;
ros::Publisher feature_pub;
ros::Publisher tracking_info_pub;
image_transport::Publisher debug_stereo_pub;
// Debugging
std::map<FeatureIDType, int> feature_lifetime;
void updateFeatureLifetime();
void featureLifetimeStatistics();
typedef ImageProcessor::Ptr ImageProcessorPtr;
typedef ImageProcessor::ConstPtr ImageProcessorConstPtr;
} // end namespace msckf_vio