From Bernd
93 lines
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93 lines
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* Penn Software MSCKF_VIO
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
* All rights reserved.
#include <msckf_vio/utils.h>
#include <vector>
namespace msckf_vio {
namespace utils {
Eigen::Isometry3d getTransformEigen(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
const std::string &field) {
Eigen::Isometry3d T;
cv::Mat c = getTransformCV(nh, field);
T.linear()(0, 0) = c.at<double>(0, 0);
T.linear()(0, 1) = c.at<double>(0, 1);
T.linear()(0, 2) = c.at<double>(0, 2);
T.linear()(1, 0) = c.at<double>(1, 0);
T.linear()(1, 1) = c.at<double>(1, 1);
T.linear()(1, 2) = c.at<double>(1, 2);
T.linear()(2, 0) = c.at<double>(2, 0);
T.linear()(2, 1) = c.at<double>(2, 1);
T.linear()(2, 2) = c.at<double>(2, 2);
T.translation()(0) = c.at<double>(0, 3);
T.translation()(1) = c.at<double>(1, 3);
T.translation()(2) = c.at<double>(2, 3);
return T;
cv::Mat getTransformCV(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
const std::string &field) {
cv::Mat T;
try {
// first try reading kalibr format
T = getKalibrStyleTransform(nh, field);
} catch (std::runtime_error &e) {
// maybe it's the old style format?
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("cannot read transform " << field
<< " in kalibr format, trying old one!");
try {
T = getVec16Transform(nh, field);
} catch (std::runtime_error &e) {
std::string msg = "cannot read transform " + field + " error: " + e.what();
throw std::runtime_error(msg);
return T;
cv::Mat getVec16Transform(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
const std::string &field) {
std::vector<double> v;
nh.getParam(field, v);
if (v.size() != 16) {
throw std::runtime_error("invalid vec16!");
cv::Mat T = cv::Mat(v).clone().reshape(1, 4); // one channel 4 rows
return T;
cv::Mat getKalibrStyleTransform(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
const std::string &field) {
cv::Mat T = cv::Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_64FC1);
XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue lines;
if (!nh.getParam(field, lines)) {
throw (std::runtime_error("cannot find transform " + field));
if (lines.size() != 4 || lines.getType() != XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) {
throw (std::runtime_error("invalid transform " + field));
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
if (lines.size() != 4 || lines.getType() != XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) {
throw (std::runtime_error("bad line for transform " + field));
for (int j = 0; j < lines[i].size(); j++) {
if (lines[i][j].getType() != XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble) {
throw (std::runtime_error("bad value for transform " + field));
} else {
T.at<double>(i,j) = static_cast<double>(lines[i][j]);
return T;
} // namespace utils
} // namespace msckf_vio