#include "../../header/solve.h" #include "../../header/input.h" typedef std::vector> Contour_t; typedef std::vector Hierarchy_t; //hierarchy object is needed for drawContours apparently Mat crop2ContourInv(const Mat & img); Contour_t getLongestContour(Mat bw); int getLongestContourIndex(Contour_t contours); void Puzzle::printPuzzle() { cout << "a1: " << endl; a1.printConstraintMatrix(); } void Puzzle::printBox() { int i=0; for(auto it:myBox) { cout << "Part " << i++ << ":" << endl; it.print(); cout << endl; } } //puts a puzzlepiece back into its box void Puzzle::putIntoBox() { Part tmpPart; int id = 0; for(int i=0;igetSizeAsCoor().col;i++) { for(int j=0;jgetSizeAsCoor().row;j++) { tmpPart.m_a1=this->a1.m_constraintMatrix[i+1][j+1]; //sets part id tmpPart.SetPartID(id++); // adds all 4 rotations to Box for(int rotations=0;rotations<4;rotations++) { tmpPart.m_a1.shift(1); //TODO! add all other layer with their rotaionvariance into "tmpPart" //if it piece is roation invariant no need to do anything myBox.emplace_back(tmpPart); } } } } //shuffles the existing box in Puzzle void Puzzle::shuffle() { random_shuffle(myBox.begin(),myBox.end()); } //deletes all constraints from all abstractionlayers void Puzzle::removeConstrains(coor removeCoordinates) { this->a1.RemoveConstraintOnPosition(removeCoordinates); //TODO!! Add other layer remove here } void Puzzle::setConstraints(coor setConstraints, Part* constraintPiece) { //dp this->dp.m_constraintMatrix[setConstraints.col][setConstraints.row].DestructionArray.clear(); for(auto it:this->tmp_destructionArray) this->dp.m_constraintMatrix[setConstraints.col][setConstraints.row].DestructionArray.emplace_back(it); //a1 this->a1.SetConstraintOnPosition(setConstraints,constraintPiece->m_a1); //TODO!! Add other layer remove here } int Puzzle::removeSimilar(qualityVector& qVector, Part& myPart) { //a1 uint8_t tmpConnections=myPart.m_a1.getConnections(); a1.RemoveSimilar(qVector,tmpConnections); } void Puzzle::createRandomPuzzle() { a1.CreateRandomPuzzle(); } void Puzzle::createp_box() { for(int i=0;iremoveConstrains({i,j}); } } } Mat Puzzle::readImage(int fileIndex, const char* inputDir){ char indexstr[12]; sprintf(indexstr,"%d.jpg",fileIndex); char * inputstr = (char *) malloc(1 + strlen(inputDir)+ strlen(indexstr) ); strcpy(inputstr, inputDir); strcat(inputstr,indexstr); //cout<& log){ int Y_size = 1200; // chose this to fit your monitor! int separator = 1; int partHeight = 90; int partWidth; auto imageH = int(round(partHeight* cols)); if(imageH > Y_size){ imageH = Y_size; } partHeight = int(round(imageH / cols)); partWidth= partHeight; int imageW = int(round( partWidth*rows)); int temp = imageW; imageW = imageH; imageH = temp; Mat result(imageH,imageW,CV_8UC3); char name[100]; for (auto it:log) { if (it.myCoor.col == 12 && it.myCoor.row == 0) { ; // imshow("result",result); // waitKey(0); } cout << it.PieceCollector[0].second->GetPartID() << endl; int imageNumber = it.PieceCollector[0].second->GetPartID(); //cout<<"imageIndex: "<< imageNumber << endl; sprintf(name, PATH, imageNumber); Mat img = imread(name, 1); copyMakeBorder(img,img,200,200,200,200,BORDER_CONSTANT,Scalar(255,255,255)); Mat invert = Mat::ones(img.size(), CV_8UC3); // invert for rotation to work correctly bitwise_not ( img, invert ); if (it.myCoor.col == 12 && it.myCoor.row == 0) { //imshow("img",img); //waitKey(0); ; } int angle = ((int)it.PieceCollector[0].second->GetNumOfRotations())*-90; Point2f center; center.x = img.cols/2; center.y = img.rows/2; Mat RotMatrix = getRotationMatrix2D(center,angle,1); warpAffine(invert,invert,RotMatrix, invert.size()); bitwise_not(invert,img); Mat cropped = crop2ContourInv(img); auto ROI_X = int(round(it.myCoor.col*partWidth)); auto ROI_Y = int(round(it.myCoor.row*partHeight)); // cout<<"ROI X: "<< ROI_X< largestArea) { largestArea = area; largestIndex = i; // i is type size_t, should be converted to int. } } return(largestIndex); }