- device now last field 'last connection' which gets updated
at every server connection from the respective device
- manual cleanup script in database deletes all devices which
have never been updated, or have a timestamp older than 30 days
- uses existing wsgi.py file
- adds wsgi.ini file
- sets socket
- defines application to be run, which it gets from wsgi.py file
- uses http communication to nginx server
- some random number of workers
- updates Dockerfile and docker-entrypoint
- landing page shows two images of google calendar and tizen watch
and how the calendars corelate
- routes redesigned to fit this landing page
- redesign of coloring in css
- backend now takes care of all the recoloring, and communication with database
- google handler takes care of the entire communication with google
- colors selected on the front-end are now translated to the watch
- Calendars in the database now directly save the color the user has set
- only if the event has a different color than the calendar (event color from google is not 0)
is the event color from google used.
- No more passing around of google color ids, hex colors all the way
- fingerprint generated first time device connects
- saved to database and served to device
- connection status set to true, once device requests first package
- user can link device via online form
- form added to push new device id to backend
- device added to db model (needs to be pushed still)
- form return right now just prints
- design for device list created, still needs some updates
- credentials still lost the refresh token after a certain event
- this was now fixed by completely removing any saves past the first one
- https://trello.com/c/iORYLYHl/44-1-check-on-credentials
- Color Coding is now updated
- fixed an incorrect color mapping in the colors.json
- updates some calls to functions to correctly get the natural colors
- the incorrect red -> yellow mapping might have to do with the previous credentials error
- starts uwsgi and flask in virtual environment instead of docker
- sets oauth2 https error to false (OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT=1)
- this setup works, but
- moving it into docker
- removing the venv
- and allowing https connection internally?
would be better
- database updated to save google credentials
- database updated to save json calendar information
- json still saved as a json file under userinfo/<user.id>/calendarevents.json
- using flask-wtf forms to create login and registration
- saves and compares input data with database
- generates user if need-be
- same user form as google user
- the color picker is from 'colorPick' which makes implementation easy. It's only a .js and a .css file
which need to be included and the color-picker is simple enough to handle on the client side.
The only main problem with it, is that accessing the 'id' information of the css it was called from is not straightforward
- the toggle switch which is just implemented in .css currently has the checklist inverted, works but ugly
- The Client sends this information back to the server via a json file, which defines the calendar id and either
color or the toggle information. The server currently just prints this information.great stuff.