The `MSCKF_VIO` package is a stereo-photometric version of MSCKF. The software takes in synchronized stereo images and IMU messages and generates real-time 6DOF pose estimation of the IMU frame.
This approach is based on the paper written by Ke Sun et al.
[]( and their Stereo MSCKF implementation, which tightly fuse the matched feature information of a stereo image pair into a 6DOF Pose.
The approach implemented in this repository follows the semi-dense msckf approach tightly fusing the photometric
information around the matched featues into the covariance matrix, as described and derived in the master thesis [Pose Estimation using a Stereo-Photometric Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter](
Penn Software License. See LICENSE.txt for further details.
## Dependencies
Most of the dependencies are standard including `Eigen`, `OpenCV`, and `Boost`. The standard shipment from Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic works fine. One special requirement is `suitesparse`, which can be installed through,
The software is a standard catkin package. Make sure the package is on `ROS_PACKAGE_PATH` after cloning the package to your workspace. And the normal procedure for compiling a catkin package should work.
First obtain either the [EuRoC]( or the [UPenn fast flight]( dataset.
Once the `msckf_vio` is built and sourced (via `source <path to catkin_ws>/devel/setup.bash`), there are two launch files prepared for the [EuRoC]( and [UPenn fast flight]( dataset named `msckf_vio_euroc.launch` and `msckf_vio_fla.launch` respectively. Each launch files instantiates two ROS nodes:
To visualize the pose and feature estimates you can use the provided rviz configurations found in `msckf_vio/rviz` folder (EuRoC: `rviz_euroc_config.rviz`, Fast dataset: `rviz_fla_config.rviz`).