fully added color implementation
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ float DestructionPower::defaultDestructionPower(int i)
//gets next highest valued abstraction layer down from current one (if first, get highest)
int DestructionPower::getNextAbstractionLayer(coor newCoordinate, int currentAbstractionLayer)
return -1;
return currentAbstractionLayer;
//hardcode advance
return ++currentAbstractionLayer;
return -1;
float currentPower = 1;
int nextLayer=-1;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
//TODO!! increase Destructioncount
#include "DestructionPower_Properties.h"
#include "../AbstraktionLayer_Base.h"
@ -50,85 +50,158 @@ bool AbstractionLayer_ColorMatching::PreProcessing(coor mySize, const vector<Par
m_constraintMatrix[c][r].m_centerColor.h = tempHue_ext.val[0];
m_constraintMatrix[c][r].m_centerColor.s = tempSaturation_ext.val[0];
m_constraintMatrix[c][r].m_centerColor.v = tempSaturation_ext.val[0];
m_constraintMatrix[c][r].m_centerColor.v = tempValue_ext.val[0];
//**Get color of all parts**//
//**Get color of all parts**//
const vector<Part *> &ref_partArray = *partArray;
int iterator = 0;
for(int count =0;count< mySize.row*mySize.col*4;count++)// multiplied by 4 for all rotations
for(int count =0;count< mySize.row*mySize.col;count++)// multiplied by 4 for all rotations
Scalar tempHue, tempSaturation, tempValue;
if(count%4) {
char name[100];
sprintf(name, PATH, count);
Mat Part = imread(name, 1);
if (!Part.data) {
cerr << "Could not open or find the image" << endl;
return -1;
char name[100];
Mat PartCropped = Part(Rect(Part.size().width / 3, Part.size().height / 3, Part.size().width / 3,
Part.size().height / 3));
//namedWindow("PartCropped", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // Create a window for display.
//imshow("PartCropped", PartCropped);
//waitKey(0); // Wait for a keystroke in the window
// Create a new matrix to hold the HSV image
Mat HSVPart;
// convert RGB image to HSV
cvtColor(PartCropped, HSVPart, CV_BGR2HSV);
vector<Mat> hsv_planes;
split(HSVPart, hsv_planes);
tempHue = mean(hsv_planes[0]);
tempSaturation = mean(hsv_planes[1]);
tempValue = mean(hsv_planes[2]);
//cout << "Hue: " << tempHue.val[0] << endl;
//cout << "Saturation: " << tempSaturation.val[0] << endl;
//cout << "Value: " << tempValue.val[0] << endl;
sprintf(name, PATH, count);
Mat Part = imread(name, 1);
if (!Part.data) {
cerr << "Could not open or find the image" << endl;
return -1;
Scalar value(255, 255, 255 );
copyMakeBorder( Part, Part, 3, 3, 3, 3, BORDER_CONSTANT, value );
ref_partArray[iterator]->m_acm.m_centerColor.h = tempHue.val[0];
ref_partArray[iterator]->m_acm.m_centerColor.s = tempSaturation.val[1];
ref_partArray[iterator]->m_acm.m_centerColor.v = tempValue.val[2];
Mat PartCropped = Part;//(Rect(Part.size().width / 2, Part.size().height / 2, Part.size().width / 2, Part.size().height / 2));
Mat gray;
iterator ++;
//Prepare the image for findContours
cvtColor(PartCropped, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
threshold(gray, gray, 250, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
//namedWindow("PartCropped", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // Create a window for display.
//imshow("PartCropped", gray);
//waitKey(0); // Wait for a keystroke in the window
//Find the contours. Use the contourOutput Mat so the original image doesn't get overwritten
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
//cv::Mat contourOutput = gray.clone();
cv::findContours( gray.clone(), contours, CV_RETR_LIST , CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
//Draw the contours
Scalar colors[3];
colors[0] = cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0);
colors[1] = cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0);
colors[2] = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255);
double length;
int max=0;
int maxidx=0;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < contours.size(); idx++) {
length=arcLength(contours[idx], true);
if(length>max && (contours[idx].max_size()>10)) {
max = length;
maxidx = idx;
//cv::drawContours(PartCropped, contours, maxidx, colors[maxidx % 3],3);
//namedWindow("PartCropped", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // Create a window for display.
//imshow("PartCropped", PartCropped);
//waitKey(0); // Wait for a keystroke in the window
// Create a new matrix to hold the HSV image
Mat HSVPart;
// convert RGB image to HSV
cvtColor(PartCropped, HSVPart, CV_BGR2HSV);
vector<Mat> hsv_planes;
split(HSVPart, hsv_planes);
Rect roi = boundingRect(contours[maxidx]);
Mat resImageMeanRGB = PartCropped.clone();
Scalar mean_RGB = mean(PartCropped(roi), gray(roi));
//drawContours( resImageMeanRGB, contours, maxidx, mean_RGB, FILLED );
//imshow( "MeanRGB", resImageMeanRGB );
tempHue = mean(hsv_planes[0](roi), gray(roi));
tempSaturation = mean(hsv_planes[1](roi), gray(roi));
tempValue = mean(hsv_planes[2](roi), gray(roi));
/*Mat restempHue = PartCropped.clone();
drawContours( restempHue, contours, maxidx, tempHue, FILLED );
imshow( "MeanHue", restempHue );
Mat restempSaturation = PartCropped.clone();
drawContours( restempSaturation, contours, maxidx, tempSaturation, FILLED );
imshow( "MeanSat", restempSaturation );
Mat restempValue = PartCropped.clone();
drawContours( restempValue, contours, maxidx, tempValue, FILLED );
imshow( "MeanValue", restempValue );
cout << "RGB: " << mean_RGB << endl;
cout << "Hue: " << tempHue.val[0] << endl;
cout << "Saturation: " << tempSaturation.val[0] << endl;
cout << "Value: " << tempValue.val[0] << endl;
imshow("Input Image", PartCropped);
cvMoveWindow("Input Image", 0, 0);
for(int rotate=0;rotate<4;rotate++)
ref_partArray[count*4+rotate]->m_acm.m_centerColor.h = tempHue.val[0];
ref_partArray[count*4+rotate]->m_acm.m_centerColor.s = tempSaturation.val[0];
ref_partArray[count*4+rotate]->m_acm.m_centerColor.v = tempValue.val[0];
return true;
bool AbstractionLayer_ColorMatching::EvaluateQuality (const coor constraintCoordinate, qualityVector& qVector)
for(int i = 0;i<qVector.size();i++)
float value = PlaceOfPartGood(constraintCoordinate, qVector[i].second->m_acm.m_partColor);
qVector[i].first = value;
float value1 = PlaceOfPartGood(constraintCoordinate, qVector[i].second->m_acm.m_centerColor);
float value2 = (float)(1-(abs(m_constraintMatrix[constraintCoordinate.col][constraintCoordinate.row].m_centerColor.s-qVector[i].second->m_acm.m_centerColor.s))/255);
float value3 = (float)(1-(abs(m_constraintMatrix[constraintCoordinate.col][constraintCoordinate.row].m_centerColor.v-qVector[i].second->m_acm.m_centerColor.v))/255);
qVector[i].first = (value1+value2+value3)/3;
float AbstractionLayer_ColorMatching::PlaceOfPartGood(coor myCoor, HSV myPart)
//Hue max 360°
if(m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_partColor.h >= 180)
//Hue max 180°
if(m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_centerColor.h >= myPart.h)
return 1-abs((m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_centerColor.h-myPart.h)
if((m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_centerColor.h-myPart.h) > 90)
return 1-((myPart.h+180-m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_centerColor.h)
} else
return 1-((m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_centerColor.h-myPart.h)
else if(m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_partColor.h < 180)
else if(m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_centerColor.h < myPart.h)
return 1-((myPart.h-m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_centerColor.h)
if((myPart.h-m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_centerColor.h) > 90)
return 1-abs((myPart.h-180-m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_centerColor.h)
} else
return 1-((myPart.h-m_constraintMatrix[myCoor.col][myCoor.row].m_centerColor.h)
@ -177,12 +177,6 @@ Mat Puzzle::resultImage( vector<LogEntry>& log){
char name[100];
for (auto it:log)
if (it.myCoor.col == 27 && it.myCoor.row == 5)
// imshow("result",result);
// waitKey(0);
//cout << it.PieceCollector[0].second->GetPartID() << endl;
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ void createNextLogElement(vector<LogEntry>& log, Puzzle& puzzleMat)
log.emplace_back(LogEntry(coor(0, 0)));
log.back().myCoor = calculateNextCoor(log, puzzleMat);
// puzzleMat.dp.DestructionOfSurrounding(log.back().myCoor);//calculate dp from surrounding
puzzleMat.dp.DestructionOfSurrounding(log.back().myCoor);//calculate dp from surrounding
//get all not set pieces
for(auto it:puzzleMat.p_myBox)
@ -80,17 +80,15 @@ void solve(vector<LogEntry>& log,Puzzle& puzzleMat)
case 0://pömpel
//puzzleMat.a1.EvaluateQuality(log.back().myCoor, log.back().PieceCollector);
case 1://SURFFeature
// return;
case 3://poempelposition
case 2://poempelposition
case 2://color
case 3://color
case -1://random
@ -101,7 +99,7 @@ void solve(vector<LogEntry>& log,Puzzle& puzzleMat)
float worth = capLogElements(log);
cout << "remaining: " << log.back().PieceCollector.size() << endl;
// calculateTrueDestructionPower(log,puzzleMat, worth);
calculateTrueDestructionPower(log,puzzleMat, worth);
CalculateNewCombinedQuality(log, log.back().PieceCollector, puzzleMat.combinedQualityVector);
@ -123,12 +121,14 @@ void setsolution(vector<LogEntry>& log, Puzzle& puzzleMat)
cout << "set:" << log.back().myCoor.col << "," << log.back().myCoor.row << endl;
//cout << "ID: " << log.back().PieceCollector[0].second->GetPartID() << endl;
if(log.back().myCoor.col>=31 && log.back().myCoor.row==5)
bool backtrack(vector<LogEntry>& log, Puzzle& puzzleMat)
cout << "backtrack" << endl;
cout << "backtrack" << endl;
cout << "Puzzle not solveable!" << endl;
@ -164,8 +164,11 @@ bool backtrack(vector<LogEntry>& log, Puzzle& puzzleMat)
return false;
return true;
@ -189,7 +192,7 @@ float capLogElements(vector<LogEntry>& log)
// Till Now only ground structure -> incorrect variable ans vector names
double limit = 0.9;
double limit = 0.6;
double diff = 0;
int id=0;
Reference in New Issue
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