MPK Projekt Puzzle Solver
Don't merge branch to master unless you are absolutely, 100% sure it works and you have discussed it with pm!
Current Todo
Git for Puzzle solving project
1, Input:
Kontrolle, ob extrahierte Information rotationsinvariant ist
Information in definierte Schnittstelle übergeben
Farbdurchschnitt der einzelnen Puzzleteile extrahieren
2, Solver
Puzzle Solver Abstraktion 1 fertig erstellen (Form)
Puzzle Solver Abstraktion 2 (Farbdurchschnitt) Konzept erstellen und programmieren
Random Algorithmus?
3, Output
-visuelle Darstellung des Outputs der Matrix von Solver hier soll das 'fertige' Puzzle dargestellt werden
Git intro
0, read github tutorial
1, Clone repository
2, branch master into a team branch (named "Team"+[teamname])
3, work only in this team branch or subbranches
4, don't ever touch the master.
Seriously. don't merge branch to master unless you are absolutely, 100% sure it works and you have discussed it with pm.